Why am I passionate about this?

Several years ago I gave a paper - Human experiments in Teratogenicity - a brief exploration of the use of herbicides in the Vietnam. I was accused of and being a traitor to my discipline and siding with the environmentalists who wanted to diminish herbicide use in agriculture. I wasn't guilty as charged. The accusation encouraged me to explore agriculture's values and ethical foundation. I have continued to explore the ethics of agriculture, question the ethics of the whole agricultural enterprise. I've written, learned, and thought about the application of moral philosophy to agriculture. The book selected will help readers think about the questions and guide those interested in pursuing the application of moral philosophy to agriculture.

I wrote

Agriculture's Ethical Horizon

By Robert Zimdahl,

Book cover of Agriculture's Ethical Horizon

What is my book about?

As long as the grocery store is full most people do not think about agriculture. If they do, they are…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of Agricultural Ethics: Research, Teaching and Public Policy

Robert Zimdahl Why did I love this book?

Paul Thompson is Professor of philosophy and holds the Kellogg chair in agricultural ethics at Michigan State University.

He was the first philosopher to explore the ethics of agriculture. It might be more correct to say he was the first to explore the lack of a specific ethical foundation for agriculture. He is a prolific writer and has published several books and numerous papers on agricultural ethics.

I have met him, read his work, and have benefited from his knowledge.

By Paul B. Thompson,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked Agricultural Ethics as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Presents a collection of essays written over a period of 15 years by agricultural ethicist Paul B. Thompson. The essays address the practical application of ethics to agriculture in a world faced with issues of increased yield, threatened environment, and the disappearance of the family farm.

Book cover of The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture

Robert Zimdahl Why did I love this book?

Wendell Berry is a Kentucky farmer, a prolific author, an environmental activist, cultural critic, and poet.

In this book, one of his many, he raises important questions about the practice of agriculture in the United States and some of the consequences including loss of small farms and communities, the ecological effects, energy use, and agriculture's externalities.

His work has been largely ignored by the agricultural community including most faculty in colleges of agriculture. He writes eloquently about his concern that man was not made to rule the world and his claim that to rule the world we must conquer it.

Humans and agriculture have conquered and ignored and externalized the cultural, environmental, and human costs, which Berry explores in detail. His work has not been ignored by the environmental community.

By Wendell Berry,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Unsettling of America as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Since its publication in 1977, The Unsettling of America has been recognized as a classic of American letters. In it, Wendell Berry argues that good farming is a cultural and spiritual discipline. Today’s agribusiness, however, takes farming out of its cultural context and away from families. As a result, we as a nation are more estranged from the land—from the intimate knowledge, love, and care of it.

Sadly, his arguments and observations are more relevant than ever. Although “this book has not had the happy fate of being proved wrong,” Berry writes, there are people working “to make something comely…

Book cover of Animal Liberation: The Definitive Classic of the Animal Movement

Robert Zimdahl Why did I love this book?

One of the very important agricultural issues is treatment of animals especially those grown in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).

Singer was among the very first who wrote about how animals are treated by the agricultural enterprise and by people. He was among the first to tell us that animals can suffer and therefore we must consider our moral obligation to any creature that can suffer.

Animal science has made more progress than most other agricultural disciplines in changing the way animals are treated. There is still a long way to go.

By Peter Singer,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Animal Liberation as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

How should we treat non-human animals? In this immensely powerful and influential book (now with a new introduction by Sapiens author Yuval Noah Harari), the renowned moral philosopher Peter Singer addresses this simple question with trenchant, dispassionate reasoning. Accompanied by the disturbing evidence of factory farms and laboratories, his answers triggered the birth of the animal rights movement.

'An extraordinary book which has had extraordinary effects... Widely known as the bible of the animal liberation movement' Independent on Sunday

In the decades since this landmark classic first appeared, some public attitudes to animals may have changed but our continued abuse…

Book cover of World Hunger and Moral Obligation

Robert Zimdahl Why did I love this book?

When I began my career as a professor at Colorado State University I knew my responsibility was to study the kinetics of herbicide degradation and soil and develop systems for weed control in agronomic crops.

During my academic career at Cornell University and Oregon State University no one ever suggested I should take class in philosophy or that agriculture had moral problems. I knew and my professors emphasized agriculture was a worthy and essential human endeavor.

When I first became acquainted with William Aiken and he introduced me to his book my view of agriculture began to change. I realized the value and essential role of moral philosophy to agriculture. I know I was viewed as a traitor to my discipline, but Aiken's book convinced me there was something wrong.

As a professor and educator I had a responsibility to begin to study and write about agricultural ethics.

By William Aiken, Hugh LaFollette,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked World Hunger and Moral Obligation as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


Book cover of The Great Work: Our Way into the Future

Robert Zimdahl Why did I love this book?

Thomas Berry is a historian of cultures including the American culture.

He has published extensively on Chinese and Indian culture. Because agriculture is the largest and most widespread human interaction with the environment it is important we humans begin to understand where we are in our environmental relations and how we got there.

Barry encourages us to reflect on the wonder of the earth and how the natural world requires our respect and admiration. We need to think about how we humans have responded to the biblical injunction to have dominion over and conquer the earth.

We have done that but we do not respect the earth whose living forms our universities have studied extensively and supported exploitation of the earth. Berry encourages our educational institution to see their purpose not as training students to exploit the earth but to guide them toward an intimate relationship with the earth, which we do not have.

He suggests that all engaged in agriculture must recognize use of the earth as our primary relationship with it must be abandoned. He encourages us to think differently about our relationship with the earth because it is essential to understanding the relationship of agriculture and humans to the earth and to creating sustainable resilient agricultural system.

It's the only planet we have. We have to learn to respect it, not just use it.

By Thomas Berry,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Great Work as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

Thomas Berry is one of the most eminent cultural historians of our time. Here he presents the culmination of his ideas and urges us to move from being a disrupting force on the Earth to a benign presence. This transition is the Great Work -- the most necessary and most ennobling work we will ever undertake. Berry's message is not one of doom but of hope. He reminds society of its function, particularly the universities and other educational institutions whose role is to guide students into an appreciation rather than an exploitation of the world around them. Berry is the…

Explore my book 😀

Agriculture's Ethical Horizon

By Robert Zimdahl,

Book cover of Agriculture's Ethical Horizon

What is my book about?

As long as the grocery store is full most people do not think about agriculture. If they do, they are concerned about agriculture technology (pesticides, genetic modification, and the quality of their food). For decades all involved in agriculture have ignored its ethical dilemmas. Agriculture has only one goal to feed a growing world population.

This book suggests all involved in agriculture should begin to engage the public in discussions of agriculture’s accomplishments and its host of ethical, moral dilemmas. Continuing to expand production of food and fiber is not sufficient to justify all of agriculture's negative effects. The book outlines eight important issues and matters of concern to agriculture and the public. 

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From One Cell: A Journey into Life's Origins and the Future of Medicine

By Ben Stanger,

Book cover of From One Cell: A Journey into Life's Origins and the Future of Medicine

Ben Stanger Author Of From One Cell: A Journey into Life's Origins and the Future of Medicine

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

I am a Harvard- and MIT-trained physician-scientist, and I am drawn to research problems that bridge the basic and the practical – how a better understanding of cells and tissues can inform new therapies for cancer and other diseases. As children, we are all scientists – mini-hypothesis generators trying to make sense of the world. I suppose I never outgrew that curiosity. My list of best science books credits writers who bring to life the excitement that comes from looking at the natural world in a new way, a spirit that I try to emulate in my own writing. I hope you enjoy these books as much as I have!

Ben's book list on science written by scientists

What is my book about?

Everybody knows that all animals—bats, bears, sharks, ponies, and people—start out as a single cell: the fertilized egg. But how does something no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence give rise to the remarkable complexity of each of these creatures?

FROM ONE CELL is a dive inside the cell and its evolutionary prerogatives to explain how these "endless forms most beautiful," as Charles Darwin called them, come about. Along the way, we learn about the scientific process, filled as it is with serendipity, as the story is told through the eyes of the scientists who informed…

From One Cell: A Journey into Life's Origins and the Future of Medicine

By Ben Stanger,

What is this book about?

Every animal on Earth begins life as a single cell. From this humble origin, the nascent creature embarks on a risky journey fraught with opportunities for disaster-yet with astounding regularity, it reaches its destination intact. From One Cell illuminates this epic transformation-still one of nature's most mysterious feats-to show where we all come from and where we're going.

Through the eyes of the scientists unraveling the secrets of development, we see how all the information needed to build a human fits into a fertilised egg, and how the trillions of cells that emerge know what to become and where to…

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